Bioaugmentation Solutions For Municipal, And Industrial Wastewater Systems
Hawkins is a key supplier and distributor of bioaugmentation products. Sometimes called biological augmentation, it is the process of adding bacteria, nutrients, and/or bio-catalysts to benefit and enhance your existing bacterial population. Hawkins’ bio-augmentation products contain selected strains of micro-organisms, nutrients, and stimulants to break down organic pollutants.
Bioaugmentation can be used to address many problems found in wastewater treatment. FOG (Fats, Oils, Grease), Solids, and Odors are the most commonly faced problem areas for WWTP and collection system operators. Many other problems arise from the presence of one, or more, of these problems. Such as: foaming, filamentous breakouts, hauling costs, and citizen complaints.
Hawkins technical experts can review your problem area’s and develop a bacterial treatment plan tailored to your problems. Problems aren’t just covered up, they are eliminated at the source!
Hawkins Total System Approach For Your Unique Needs:
- Investigate, evaluate and diagnose the current situation
- Identify the source of the problem
- Design a plan tailored to your specific needs
Hawkins advanced bioaugmentation solutions are an effective, natural wastewater treatment.
By adding a tailored bioaugmentation solution you accelerate the natural process for very effective results.
Hawkins bioaugmentation products address 3 major problems: FOG (fats, oils and grease), Odors, Solids
The Key Issue: FOG buildup causes lift station problems, narrowing or blockage of sewer lines, noxious odors, and even foaming at the plant. This can lead to higher and higher maintenance and operational costs.
Fats, oils and grease (FOG) build up is the leading cause of sewer blockages in the United States. These blockages can lead to backups into residential and commercial properties. Effective FOG management in collection systems has many benefits downstream to the plant and to city staff. Fewer callouts, less manual cleaning, and more effective treatment of wastewater at the plant.
The Solution: Hawkins’ total system approach will tailor a treatment plan for your unique needs.

Bioaugmentation Benefits:
- Control grease and eliminate FOG buildup
- Produce an excellent effluent
- Reduce sludge build-up & improve settling
- Reduce the accumulation of unsightly deposits of grease and fat
- Increase efficiency and performance of collection systems
- Significantly reduce odor problems
Hawkins’ Products:
- Bacterial blocks
- Liquid bacteria
- Dry bacteria
- Floating degreaser
- Liquid solvents
…and much more
For Pricing, Contact Us Today!
Hawkins is a business-to-business supplier, manufacturer, blender, and distributor of chemicals. We only sell to companies, municipalities, government entities, and not to individuals.
Do You Have Any Of The Common Lift Station Challenges?
FOG, Solids Or Odors?

Hawkins’ Bioaugmentation Lift Station Treatment Program is proven to save facilities time and money and will keep your lift station running smoothly.
- Collection systems treatment for solids, FOG and odor
- A bioaugmentation solution designed specifically for your needs
- Start saving time and money with products scientifically selected for results that will work for you!
Products proven to save facilities time and money in the fight against lift station challenges. These products contains a broad spectrum of microorganisms, micronutrients and bio-stimulants selected to break down the organic material such as: fats, oils, grease, starches, proteins and other substrates that can accumulate in lift stations.
Valuable Solutions
REDUCED PUMPING, JETTING, & CLEAN-OUT COSTS – Solids, Fats, Oils & Grease (FOG) can build up in lift stations and sewer lines which require physical removal from the system at a high cost. Our biological treatment will digest solids and FOG preventing them from becoming problem causing buildups.
PREVENTS CORROSION & EQUIPMENT FAILURE – Solids and FOG buildup can cause failure of equipment. Additionally, they lead to production of H2S and biological acids that severely corrode mechanical and electrical components. Hawkins’ Lift Station Treatment program will cause digestion of solids, FOG and organic acids while stopping H2S formation eliminates costs associated with corrosion and equipment failure.
IMPROVED SAFETY & FEWER ODOR COMPLAINTS – Complaints from the community and operator safety are prevalent issues in lift stations and force mains due to the formation of H2S and biological acids. Digestion of organic acids and prevention of H2S results in improved human safety and less discomfort to the community.
AVOID COSTLY CHEMICAL TREATMENT – Common chemical treatments for odors, H2S and FOG are costly and require specialized equipment and labor to manage. Most importantly chemicals don’t address the issues; just push them downstream. Supplying a solution that prevents challenges at the source before they form with reduced labor and no capital investment.
Benefits To Municipalities
- Cost Reduction
- Environmentally Friendly
- Personnel Safety
- Non Toxic
- Turn-Key Service Or Municipal Directed
Cost Reduction Benefits:
- Reduce or eliminate electricity and maintenance costs for bio-filters or scrubbers
- Reduce or eliminate labor cost for manual lift station pump out and line jetting
- Extend life of pumps and other metal parts
Collection System Benefits:
- Eliminate or reduce hydrogen sulfide odor issues
- Eliminate or reduce hydrogen sulfide corrosion issues
- Eliminate or reduce fats, oils and grease accumulation
Down Stream Wastewater Treatment Plant Benefits:
- Lower BOD loading due to less organics reaching WWTP
- Increase plant throughput per unit time
- Reduce sludge generated by WWTP
- Decrease turbidity
- Improve settle-ability
- Improve plant operations
Bioaugmentation For Municipal Wastewater Treatment – Reduce your sludge removal costs with Hawkins bioaugmentation sludge tank and lagoon treatment program
Sludge is a costly by-product of all wastewater treatment facilities. For facilities equipped with sludge holding tanks, ponds or lagoons, we provide a solution to alleviate the challenges associated with their operation. Benefits include:
LOWER DISPOSAL COSTS – Whether hauling pressed or liquid sludge to landfill or land application, sludge disposal is a significant cost to you. Improved digestion and dewatering means less sludge to handle, haul and dispose of.
IMPROVED DEWATERING – Poor separation of water and solids during decanting and pressing leads to increase polymer usage, labor, and hauling costs. Enhanced digestion produces more consistent sludge, improving dewatering while reducing polymer usage and labor.
REDUCED ODOR & H2S – Complaints from the community, corrosion and operator safety are prevalent issues with sludge pressing and sludge tanks due to H2S and odorous compounds released during transfer/pressing. Through improved digestion our program inhibits production of odorous compounds and H2S and reduces complaints, safety issues and corrosion.
INCREASED CAPACITY – Poor dewatering, digestion and excess loading of sludge leads to a bottleneck for the WWTP in sludge handling. The improvements in digestion and dewatering results in increased operational capacity of the sludge tank/pond system.
Hawkins bioaugmentation products will enhance your wastewater system and are backed by an experienced team of experts who can customize a solution for your needs. As a leading bioaugmentation wastewater treatment provider Hawkins offers multiple industrial and municipal wastewater bioaugmentation solutions. Please download the information below on some of our bioaugmentation treatment programs or fill out the request information for more info on additional products and services.