Pharmaceutical Chemicals Supplier & Distributor

Pharmaceutical Chemicals Manufacturer, Supplier & Distributor

Your Reliable, Domestic Source

Hawkins Pharmaceutical is a leading domestic, cGMP manufacturer, repackager, and wholesale distributor of pharmaceutical production chemicals.  Our focus and expertise is in the biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and diagnostic markets.  Hawkins is where to buy pharmaceutical chemical ingredients. With Hawkins you’ll be receiving high purity excipient chemicals and the highest quality chemical raw materials, at very competitive prices.

We can help you keep products moving. When security of supply is critical, you can turn to Hawkins. We are equipped to minimize supply chain disruptions with domestic manufacturing, secure supply chains, and significant storage capabilities. Our domestic operations can respond quickly to your needs.  Hawkins have been focused on our customers for over 80 years.  We have a broad infrastructure, technical and logistics expertise. You can trust Hawkins is committed to your success.

EXCiPACT GMP and GDP Certificates from SGS

Focus on a consistency and high quality. Hawkins Pharmaceutical is a key cGMP domestic manufacturer and distributor of excipient production chemicals with deep expertise and focus in the pharmaceutical life sciences, diagnostic, biotechnology and medical device markets.  Hawkins has recently been awarded an EXCiPACT GMP and GDP Certificate from SGS, one of EXCIPACT’s internationally recognized Certification Bodies. The Certificate demonstrates that this site manufactures, stores, and distributes organic and inorganic salts, acids, bases, and aqueous solutions for use as pharmaceutical excipients, according to the 2021 EXCiPACT Certification Standard for Pharmaceutical Excipient Suppliers.  Click Here For EXCiPACT GMP Certification Press Release

Pharmaceutical Ingredients – The Markets We Serve

Leverage our deep market expertise. The Hawkins Pharmaceutical team is composed of market experts who understand your priorities and challenges. Our ability to meet your specific needs with custom solutions and a robust supply chain help you prevent disruptions and meet your goals. Our collaborative approach and our nimble processes ensure your on-going success.

  • Biotechnology Manufacturing
  • Diagnostics Manufacturing
  • Medical Device Manufacturing
  • Life Sciences

Featured Product: Liquid Sodium Hydroxide Solutions:

  • cGMP, EXCiPACT, and ISO 9001 manufacturing processes
  • Manufactured with multi-compendial Sodium Hydroxide Pellets and WFI grade water
  • 0.2um filtered
  • Fully validated manufacturing process
  • Domestically produced for security of supply and risk mitigation
  • Full traceability

Pharmaceutical Chemical Ingredient Capabilities

Hawkins Pharmaceutical can rapidly assess and meet your needs for product and delivery. We offer a variety of capabilities that can be customized to fit your exact requirements.

Our core manufacturing competencies include:

  • Contract Manufacturing
  • Powder Manufacturing
  • Liquid Manufacturing
  • Custom Packaging
  • Private Label Manufacturing

pharm liquid ingredients

Pharm dry ingredients

Custom Pharmaceutical Chemical Solutions For Your Specific Need

Not all businesses have the same needs, that’s why Hawkins develops custom solutions to meet your specific requirements:

  • Batch packaging to simplify your unique manufacturing process
  • Custom packaging to reduce contamination potential
  • Private labeling complete with your corporate logo

Hawkins will tailor custom solutions to your custom needs.  Our quality systems mean you can rest assured you will get the quality product you need for your operations to run smoothly.

Hawkins Pharmaceutical does offer pilot lot materials for development but we specialize in large lot production volumes.  In addition to supporting your growth, we offer many customizable options for increased production efficiencies.

Our manufacturing capabilities and facilities include the following:

  • Bench Top to Production Quantities
  • Private Label Contract Manufacturing and Repackaging
  • Environmentally Controlled Production Facilities
  • Development to Production Support and Execution
  • Custom and Standard Specifications, Packaging, and Labeling
  • Hazardous Materials Manufacturing and Packaging
  • Tight Fill Tolerances

Hygroscopic Materials

Are you having trouble with material set up?
Are you going through a bunch of extra steps to break material up and weigh out the proper amounts?

Hawkins can eliminate these issues:

  • Our custom batch packaging contains exactly the amount you need
  • Custom packaging protects materials from moisture.
  • Unique dessication configurations in standard packaging
    (helps prevent chemicals from setting up)

Pharmaceutical Ingredient Quality

Quality is the backbone of our business. Our Quality Management System maintains strict documentation records for our products including batch records, retain samples, and label generation and control.  Combined with lot traceability and  specialized manufacturing production processes, our quality system will ensure our products meet your production requirements and demands.

Hawkins Quality Management Systems include:

  • Lot Traceability
  • Change Control Management
  • Document Control
  • Label Generation, Control,  and Reconciliation
  • Environmentally Monitored Production Processes
  • Environmentally Controlled Production Facilities and Warehouses
  • Non-Animal Origin (BSE/TSE) Control
  • Corrective Action/Preventative Action (CAPA) Systems
  • Supplier Management
  • Validated Manufacturing and Production Processes
  • Quality Monitored Production Processes
  • In-House Audit Program
  • Personnel Training Programs

Analytical and testing programs include both standard and customized testing via internal laboratories or qualified external laboratories.  Capabilities include the following:

  • Compendial Testing
  • Endotoxin Testing
  • Bio-burden Testing
  • Sterility Testing
  • ICP Mass Spec
  • FTIR
  • Titrations
  • Materials Testing Retain Program
  • In-Process and Product Release Testing

Featured Products – tru Chitosan

Hawkins is a key distributor of trū Chitosan USP – Consistent, High Grade Chitosan made from a controlled shrimp production process.
Enabled by breakthrough Tidal Basin® indoor aquaculture technology, our medical-grade chitosan is derived from pristine shrimp peels/shells
with unprecedented quality, consistency and traceability.

best Chitosan

Pharma  (link)
Premium Chitosan from Shrimp
High DDA, Low Molecular Weight

Premium Chitosan

Pharma-Ultra  (link)
Premium Chitosan from Shrimp
High DDA, Low Molecular Weight
USP-NF Conforming chitosan + undetectable endotoxins.

Additional Pharmaceutical Ingredients / Pharmaceutical Production Chemicals

CAS Number Chemical Compendia availability
7783-20-2 Ammonium Sulfate NF/ACS/FCC
1397-89-3 Amphotericin B 3 mg/mL Solution  
50-81-7 Ascorbic Acid USP
7681-52-9 Bleach  
2576-47-8 Bromoethylamine-2-Hydrobromide  
471-34-1 Calcium Carbonate USP
10035-04-8 Calcium Chloride USP/EP
77-92-9 Citric Acid Anhydrous USP/FCC
5949-29-1 Citric Acid Monohydrate USP/EP/JP
77-92-9 Citric Acid 50% Reagent Solution  
50-99-7 Dextrose Anhydrous USP
14431-43-7 Dextrose Monohydrate USP
6381-92-6 EDTA Disodium Dihydrate USP/EP
7782-63-0 Ferrous Sulfate 7-Hydrate USP
56-81-5 Glycerin USP
50-01-1 Guanidine HCL  
7365-45-9 HEPES Free Acid  
64044-51-5 Lactose Monohydrate NF
1119-34-2 L-arginine Hydrochloride USP/EP/JP
56-85-9 L-Glutamine USP/JP
71-00-1 L-Histidine USP/EP/JP
5934-29-2 L-Histidine Monohydrochloride, Monohydrate EP/JP
7791-18-6 Magnesium Chloride 6-Hydrate  
10034-99-8 Magnesium Sulfate Heptahydrate USP/EP
7487-88-9 Magnesium Sulfate Anhydrous USP
6363-53-7 Maltose Monohydrate NF
69-65-8 Mannitol ACS USP/EP/JP/ACS
6106-04-3 Monosodium Glutamate  
53-84-9 Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide  
7664-38-2 Phosphoric Acid NF/EP/BP
127-08-2 Potassium Acetate EP/BP
584-08-7 Potassium Carbonate Anhydrous USP/EP
7447-40-7 Potassium Chloride USP/FCC/EP
1310-58-3 Potassium Hydroxide Pellets ACS
7681-11-0 Potassium Iodide ACS
7758-11-4 Potassium Phosphate Dibasic, Anhydrous USP/EP/FCC/ACS
7778-77-0 Potassium Phosphate Monobasic USP/NF/EP/FCC/ACS
25322-68-3 Polyethylene Glycol  
57-55-6 Propylene Glycol FCC
7732-18-5 Purified Water USP
6131-90-4 Sodium Acetate trihydrate USP/EP/JP
134-03-2 Sodium Ascorbate USP/FCC
144-55-8 Sodium Bicarbonate USP
497-19-8 Sodium Carbonate Anhydrous NF/FCC/EP/JP/BP
7647-14-5 Sodium Chloride USP/EP/JP/ACS
6132-04-3 Sodium Citrate 2-Hydrate USP/EP/JP/BP/FCC
1310-73-2 Sodium Hydroxide Liquid & Pellets NF/FCC/EP/JP/ACS
7681-52-9 Sodium Hypochlorite 10-14% Solution  
7681-52-9 Sodium Hypochlorite 4-6% Solution USP
7681-82-5 Sodium Iodide  
7558-79-4 Sodium Phosphate Dibasic Anhydrous USP/FCC/EP/JPE/ACS
7782-85-6 Sodium Phosphate Dibasic 7-Hydrate USP/EP/JP
7558-80-7 Sodium Phosphate Monobasic Anhydrous USP
10049-21-5 Sodium Phosphate Monobasic Monohydrate USP/EP/FCC/BP/JPE/ACS
10101-89-0 Sodium Phosphate Tribasic Dodecahydrate NF/ACS
7757-82-6 Sodium Sulfate Anhydrous USP/EP/BP/FCC
7772-98-7 Sodium Thiosulfate Reagent  
57-50-1 Sucrose NF/EP
77-86-1 TRIS Base Ultrapure USP/EP
1185-53-1 TRIS HCl Ultrapure  
9002-07-7 Trypsin  
57-13-6 Urea USP

Contact Hawkins Today!

Hawkins is a key supplier of high purity pharmaceutical ingredients for a safe, reliable, consistent product.

We are a business-to-business manufacturer, blender, and distributor of chemicals. We only sell to companies, municipalities, government entities, and not to individuals.

For a reliable, domestic source of high-quality excipients please provide your organization’s contact information below:

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