Calcium Chloride (Dry and Liquid) Manufacturer, Supplier And Distributor
CAS #: 10043-52-4
Hawkins is where to buy Calcium Chloride wholesale. Hawkins is a domestic supplier of Calcium Chloride. We also carry Calcium Chloride in bulk and in multiple package sizes as well as in multiple grades.
As a trusted manufacturer and distributor to a large array of industries, Hawkins supplies Calcium Chloride to various companies for a variety of applications and uses. Our customers depend on Hawkins for high quality products, a consistent and cost-effective supply of Calcium Chloride. Hawkins has a team dedicated to ensuring the quality of the Calcium Chloride we supply.
Calcium Chloride General Characteristics:
- Appearance: Clear, water-white to pale yellow solution.
- Chemical Formula: CaCl2
- Molecular Weight: 110.98
- CAS#: 10043-52-4
Calcium Chloride (Dry And Liquid)
Multiple Types Of Grades And Concentrations:
- Calcium Chloride Technical Grade 32%
- Calcium Chloride 21% Inhibited
- Calcium Chloride 23% Inhibited
- Calcium Chloride 28% Inhibited
- Calcium Chloride 32% Inhibited
- Calcium Chloride 15% USP Grade
Food Grade Calcium Chloride
- Calcium Chloride Food Grade 30%
- Calcium Chloride Food Grade 32%
Additional Food Grade Calcium Chloride Information
Allergen Statement: Product does not contain any of the known allergens including dairy, egg, wheat, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, fish and shellfish.
BSE/TSE Status: Product does not contain, nor is produced with any animal products or any material of animal origin. BSE/TSE Free.
Country of Origin: Manufactured and sourced from materials solely from the US.
GMO Status: Product does not contain genetically-modified organisms nor are genetically-modified organisms used in its manufacture.
GRAS Status: Calcium Chloride is considered “GRAS” (Generally Recognized as Safe) under FDA’s Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) Title 21, Section §184.1193 for Calcium Chloride. Please reference FDA’s CFR Title 21 for conditions of use.
Halal Status: This Calcium Chloride product is certified Halal.
Kosher Status: This Calcium Chloride product is certified Kosher-Pareve.
Calcium Chloride Dihydrate, (Pharmaceutical) USP/EP
Allergen Statement: This Calcium Chloride product does not contain any of the known allergens including dairy, egg, wheat, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, fish and shellfish.
BSE/TSE Status: This Calcium Chloride product does not contain, nor is produced with any animal products or any material of animal origin, and does not contain BSE/TSE.
Country of Origin: Czech Republic.
GMO Status: Product does not contain genetically-modified organisms nor are genetically-modified organisms used in its manufacture.
GRAS Status: This Calcium Chloride product is considered “GRAS” (Generally Recognized as Safe) under FDA’s Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) Title 21, Section §184.1193 for Calcium Chloride. Please reference FDA’s CFR Title 21 for conditions of use.
Intended Use: Product is not intended for use in hemodialysis.
Melamine: To the best of our knowledge, this product does not contain, nor has not come into contact with, products containing melamine.
Solvents: Product meets the requirements of USP ‹467› Residual Solvents.
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Your reliable, domestic source of Calcium Chloride. Hawkins is a business-to-business supplier, manufacturer, blender, and distributor of chemicals. We only sell to companies, municipalities, government entities, and not to individuals.
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