Force Flow Scales: Tank, Drum, And Cylinder Scales

Force Flow Scales: Tank, Drum, And Cylinder Scales


Force Flow Scales: Monitor and control chemical feed at your water treatment plant or in your industrial process. Weight-based and ultrasonic systems for monitoring chemical usage, level and feed rate.

force flow scales

force flow scales

Force Flow leads the water and wastewater industry in innovation with our chlorine and chemical tank scales. Force Flow scales monitor and control chemical feed at your water and wastewater treatment plant or in your industrial process. Force Flow’s weight-based and ultrasonic systems monitor chemical usage, level and feed rate, providing the most accurate weight readings and making regulatory reporting compliance a breeze.

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    Hawkins is a business-to-business supplier, manufacturer, blender, and distributor of ingredients. We only sell to companies and not to individuals.

    Force Flow Chlor-Scale®

    Today, after almost 50 years and over 25,000 units installed worldwide, the Chlor-Scale® continues to be the most durable and reliable chlorine scale available for monitoring chlorine ton containers and sulfur dioxide ton containers.

    The chlorine ton container scale frames are built of heavy-duty Grade ASTM A36 steel and then coated with a 2-part epoxy powder coat finish. UHMW Polyethylene or Zinc plated steel roller trunnions safely cradle the chlorine ton container and allow easy rotation of the tank for correct valve positioning.

    The unique pivoted design of the Chlor-Scale requires only a single load cell, increasing scale reliability. The design also distributes the majority of impact during tank loading to massive steel hinges instead of to the load cell, adding even further to the durability of our chlorine scales.

    Unlike other chlorine scales, the Chlor-Scale comes pre-calibrated and installation is extremely simple with no pit or special installation personnel required. The Chlor-Scale accommodates most international chlorine drum sizes including tanks and chlorine drums with roller bands.

    Chlor-Scale Ton Container Scale

    Electronic Multiple Chlor-Scale For Monitoring 3 to 6 Manifolded Ton Containers

    Hydraulic Chlor-Scale for Chlorine & SO2 Ton Containers

    Hydraulic Chlor-Scale for 3-6 Ton Containers